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Advantages of enrolling with All American Homeschool
Accredited rigorous curriculum created by Brigham Young University.
  •           All American is proud to use the accredited curriculum created by faculty at the Brigham Young University. Classes are A-G                     compliant and regularly updated and relevant. This political and social agenda free curriculum provides the the rigor needed to help           your student prepare for the future after high school.
After school social activities for each student.
  •           All American provides after school social activities for students to engage with peers and to learn life skills that will help them in                life while growing up and as they mature into adulthood. Teen coaching groups and Esports offer provide opportunities to interact              with other students and to learn helpful life skills.
Learn at home on your own time, at your own pace and in your own lifestyle. 
  •           Sometimes our life styles do not fit the traditional requirements of public schools, or our students simply need something different              that better matches their best strengths. All American provides the online curriculum that students can complete at their own pace,              on their own time and in their own lifestyle.
No political or social agendas.
  •           Schools often provide additional education or commentary on social issues that we do not agree with or do not want our children                exposed to. At All American, you control the learning. No Agenda's, no politics, no distractions. All American provides the no                    agenda curriculum that includes the American traditional education.
The cost of a private school is not as much as you think. All American is cheaper per month than the following activities you already pay for.
  • After school youth athletics or club sports.
  • A cup of coffee per day from your favorite barista.
  • Gas money from driving your kids to and from school.
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