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How It Works

How online independent study homeschool works

Your Time 

 As a  private independent home-school, students can create their own schedules. You can work during the traditional school day, at night, weekends, every other day, or whenever your time permits. 

Your Pace

You will never have to stress about assignment time restraints, homework due dates, project deadlines, and missed work! You work at your own pace! This is perfect for working students, struggling students, teen parents or for anyone whose life needs a little flexibility.

Your Lifestyle 

 Students may work or have extracurricular activities to attend that are essential to a productive life. Each course material and every assignment can be accessed wherever and whenever! You work it into your lifestyle!


Getting Started

When a student registers at All American, a family advisor will be assigned to assist both parent and student. The advisor will help create a plan of courses that will see your student through to graduation. This advisor will show both students and parents around the Online Learning System (OLS) and help you get started. They are there for you if you have questions about the OLS, course needs, or general school information.

Completing Course work

Students are registered and assigned classes on a semester basis. At All American, a semester is a period of time of 3 - 6 months where a student can take up to 6 courses. A semester can start at any time of the year. Students can take 1 course at a time, all 6 at a time, or any variation in between.


Students will be assigned online  courses to complete each semester based on their current grade level. Parents are responsible for motivating their students on the path of completing their courses.  Parents take the lead on checking completed work and tasks and making sure work is at an acceptable level to their own standards.


As students complete courses, your family advisor will help the family prepare the next courses the students will take according to the graduation plan created on enrollment. This graduation plan can be adjusted at any time based on each students needs.



Graduating and official documents

Students receive official report cards after each completed semester. Middle school students who successfully complete the school year curriculum will receive an official certificate of completion. High school students who complete all graduation requirements will receive a high school diploma and official transcript.

Preparing for college & Career

Home school student often have to take extra steps in preparing for college. Colleges and universities want to be certain that students they are considering for admissions are prepared for advanced studies.  The All American A-G courses are designed to prepare students for life after high school. All American students can also prepare by completing the elective ACT Prep course, or prepare for the SAT and college entrance exams on their own. The key is to plan ahead and research the requirements of the college or university you plan on applying for.


In additional to college goals, parents and students should also keep in mind that there are many options after high school that only require a high school diploma. Community College, trade schools and the armed services are terrific options for all young adults preparing to enter life after high school.

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Cost to attend All American Homeschool

All American Homeschool is proud to provide an affordable, private online homeschool to our families who want to take back control of their children's education. Monthly tuition is $135 per month. Each set of 6 courses, represents a semester and costs $75. To start with All American Homeschool, a payment of $210 will be due on enrollment, and it will be $135 per moth after that.

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